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To pay for your orders by bank deposit:


Bank tranfer

Don't forget to add your name or the order number.

ΙΒΑΝ GR49 0172 2280 0052 2808 4462 747

ΙΒΑΝ GR15 0260 2520 0001 6020 1138 514

National bank of Greece
ΙΒΑΝ GR54 0110 2340 0000 2340 0735 470

Beneficiary: Tsachouridis Lazaros


If the deposit is made by a bank other than the above, you can send the proof of deposit by email to info {at} diafimistika {dot} com.

In case you want the deposit to be made by a third bank, you will have to deposit us an additional €4 from the initial amount of the order for expenses withheld by the banking system. This ONLY applies if a deposit is made from a different bank.

There is also the option to have your bank's costs covered when you make a deposit (by selecting OUR cost charge all banks charges and not SHA charge my own bank's charges).



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